Generosity is our privilege. We give of our resources as a response to God, who has given us everything.
We encourage everyone who considers St Luke's to be their home church to give a proportion of their income to the Church. Everything we do is only made possible by the generosity and sacrifice of the church community, investing little by little and seeing God do a lot.
As a church, we give 10% of our unrestricted income to organisations aligned with our vision and values but working where we're not - find out more about these mission partners, here.
You can give a one-off or regular donation with your bank (no charge, 100% of your gift comes straight to us) either online, over the phone or in a branch using these details:
Parochial CC of St. Lukes Oseney Crescent Parish
Bank: HSBC
Account: 11824619
Sort code: 40-02-03
Reference: SLKT/yoursurname
You can give a one-off or regular donation online (small transaction charge), here:
gift aid
If you're a UK income or capital gains taxpayer, we are able to claim gift aid on your giving. Please complete this declaration, to boost your giving by 25p for every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you.
If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your donation. For further information see here.
ONE. Our finance follows and reflects what we truly value
TWO. Everything St Luke's does costs money - each gathering and ministry, as well as everything that enables those things, like our staff and buildings
THREE. We're not financially supported by the Church of England, or any other church or organisation. In fact, we contribute back to support churches in areas of significant deprivation and to support the central Church of England
FOUR. No one else will give to St Luke's, only those who are part of this community and committed to our vision
You can give to us directly from your pay-check pre-tax. You can do this with us through Charities Aid Foundation by clicking here.
Note: As your donation will be pre-tax, we won't be able to claim Gift Aid on it.
If you have any questions about giving or finance at St Luke’s, please contact us at: